Hi. I took a little time off after going for my industrial attachment - four months. I needed it.
However, I am back. I was contemplating whether I should share this part of my life because I like to keep certain things about me private but I have chosen vulnerability (you're welcome!).
I promised a post about what I learned during my industrial attachment season. After sitting on that idea, I concluded that the lessons were mine to learn and not suitable for everyone in that season. They were personal.
So now, I'm just chilling. Nothing much is going on.
So, what's up?
For those who might be unaware, I am set to graduate with my undergraduate degree this December (yipee!). I am one year ahead of all of my friends since I didn't have any long holidays in between semesters.
Currently, I am in the not-a-student-but-not-yet-a-graduate phase. However, I still consider myself to be a student because I'm not comfortable with identifying myself as an unemployed graduate. I can take up that label next year, please!
That is the main struggle of being me right now. Truth be told, I thought I would be among the lucky ones who would land a job immediately after school (even before graduating). I was 'delulu' before it became a thing! Never have I ever pictured myself scouring the internet for job opportunities to kickstart my career and creating lots of resumes for different job positions.
But, here I am now.
Normally, I'd just cry...but at least I'm not poor! Insensitive? Maybe. But it could have been worse!
The only kind of pressure I have is one of having a career. A career to give me money to let me do the things I actually want. I hate that it's taking some time to actualize.
In Conclusion...

This doesn't feel like a "true" blog post to me because of its structure and length, but hey, this is a personal blog. Wherever in life you are at - especially if you are stuck in this rut- this blog post is for you. It sucks to be the forerunner but you at least know (or will know) someone who is going through what you are (or might) going through.
Stay strong and try to enjoy this part of life. It's just a season (I hear).